Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States South Carolina


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
KPHH ADR PHH Robert F Swinnie Andrews, SC
70SC Robinson Nuclear Power Plant Heliport Hartsville, SC
KUZA UZA UZA Rock Hill/York County/Bryant Fld Rock Hill, SC
SC25 Ross Strip (Closed) W. Society Hill, SC
SC17 Russell Holly Hill, SC
2SC4 Salty Fare Landing Seaplane Base Hilton Head, SC
6J4 Saluda County Saluda, SC
SC84 Sand Burr Gilbert, SC
KMNI MNI Santee Cooper Rgnl Manning, SC
SC30 Savannah River Site (Dept of Energy) Heliport Aiken, SC
03SC Seacoast Medical Center Heliport Little River, SC
19SC Sexton Newberry, SC
SC14 Shealy (Closed) Gilbert, SC
SC69 Shiloh Plantation Ehrhardt, SC
SC32 Sky Valley Airpark (Closed) Pelzer, SC
2SC6 Sled Heliport Columbia, SC
2SC2 South Carolina Pipeline Heliport (Closed) Columbia, SC
KSPA SPA SPA Spartanburg Downtown Meml/Simpson Fld Spartanburg, SC
22SC Spartanburg Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Spartanburg, SC
3SC2 Spirit Fld (Closed) Summerton, SC
SC31 Springs Meml Heliport Lancaster, SC
6J2 St George St George, SC
SC10 State Line Ultraport/Flightpark Ultralight (Closed) Chesnee, SC
1SC3 Stol-It Farm (Closed) Fair Play, SC
SC01 Sugar Hill (Closed) Allendale, SC
SC63 Summers Station Heliport Jenkinsville, SC
KDYB DYB DYB Summerville Summerville, SC
KSMS SMS Sumter Sumter, SC
SC27 Tallon Field (Closed) Lynchburg, SC
24SC The Farm Summit, SC
66SC The Flying Few Greer, SC
SC64 The Reg Med Ctr of Orbg & Calhoun County Heliport Orangeburg, SC
SC56 Thomason Airfield Mountville, SC
SC96 Tokeena Air Park Ultralight Seneca, SC
34SC Toms Creek Kingstreee, SC
SC51 Too Goo Doo Farms (Closed) Meggett, SC
33SC Triad Carolinas Hospital Heliport Florence, SC
93SC Trident Medical Center Heliport North Charleston, SC
SC00 Triple Tree Woodruff, SC
SC88 Turner Fld Chesnee, SC
5J9 Twin City Loris, SC
S17 Twin Lakes Graniteville, SC
35A Union County, Troy Shelton Fld Union, SC
SC76 Unity Aerodrome Lancaster, SC
27SC Upair Heliport Lugoff, SC
SC53 Usar Center, Clemson Heliport Clemson, SC
SC93 Venesky Air Heliport Easley, SC
SC94 Weaver Fld Johnsonville, SC
4SC7 Wexford Landing Aiken, SC
SC99 Whiteplains Lexington, SC
SC61 Wild Irish Rose Cheraw, SC
KCKI CKI Williamsburg Rgnl Kingstree, SC
SC86 Williamsport Airpark Easley, SC
KCDN CDN CDN Woodward Fld Camden, SC
SC50 Yonges Island (Closed) Charleston, SC
01SC York York, SC
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Dauntless Aviation

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