Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Alaska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
PFKT KTS KTS Brevig Mission Brevig Mission, AK
07AN Bro Majors Airfield Trapper Creek, AK
6A7 Brocker Lake Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
95AK Brown's Homestead Big Lake, AK
PAFR FRN FRN Bryant AAF Fort Richardson (Anchorage), AK
FRN Bryant AHP Heliport (Closed) Fort Richardson(Anchorage), AK
AK98 Buck Creek Buck Creek, AK
PABL BKC BVK Buckland Buckland, AK
AK35 Buffalo Row Heliport Delta Junction, AK
PABU 8AK7 Bullen Point Air Force Station Kaktovik, AK
AA09 Busch Creek Talkeetna, AK
6AK3 Butler Aviation Kenai, AK
AK1 Butte Muni Palmer, AK
78AK C T S Willow, AK
AK18 Camp Point Homer, AK
CSR Campbell Airstrip Anchorage, AK
AK82 Campbell Blm Heliport Anchorage, AK
A11 Campbell Lake Seaplane Base Anchorage, AK
CDL AK75 Candle 2 Candle, AK
PATW TTW Cantwell Cantwell, AK
CDE Cape Decision Lighthouse Heliport Cape Decision, AK
PALU LUR LUR Cape Lisburne Lrrs Cape Lisburne, AK
PAEH EHM EHM Cape Newenham Lrrs Cape Newenham, AK
CZP Z71 Cape Pole Seaplane Base Cape Pole, AK
PACZ CZF CZF Cape Romanzof Lrrs Cape Romanzof, AK
PACS 26AK Cape Sarichef Cape Sarichef, AK
PACA CSP CSP Cape Spencer C G Heliport Cape Spencer, AK
34AK Cardwell Strip Palmer, AK
AK19 Carl's Landing Talkeetna, AK
60AK Carol's Heliport Wasilla, AK
64AK Carpentiers Strip Point Mackenzie, AK
8AK2 Cartys Airstrip Kenai, AK
PAAT ATU ATU Casco Cove CGS Attu, AK
48AK Castle Mountain Airstrip Chickaloon, AK
AK20 Cd-3 Airstrip Nuiqsut, AK
PACE CEM CEM Central Central, AK
AA03 Central Pad Heliport Deadhorse, AK
PACI CIK CIK Chalkyitsik Chalkyitsik, AK
PALR WCR WCR Chandalar Lake Chandalar Lake, AK
5CD Chandalar Shelf Chandalar Camp, AK
CYM 05AA Chatham Seaplane Base Chatham, AK
PACK CFK Chefornak Chefornak, AK
CEX AK13 Chena Hot Springs Chena Hot Springs, AK
AK28 Chena Marina Fairbanks, AK
2Z5 Chena River Seaplane Base Fairbanks, AK
PFCB C05 Chenega Bay Chenega, AK
KCN KCN Chernofski Harbor Seaplane Base (Closed) Chernofski Harbor, AK
45AK Cherokee Delta Junction, AK
PAVA VAK VAK Chevak Chevak, AK
CKX CKX Chicken Chicken, AK
PAJC AJC Chignik Chignik, AK
KCG Z78 Chignik Bay Seaplane Base Chignik, AK
KCL KCL Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lagoon, AK
KCQ A79 Chignik Lake Chignik Lake, AK
CZN CZN Chisana Chisana, AK
CZO CZO Chistochina Chistochina, AK
CXC CXC Chitina Chitina, AK
AK8 Christiansen Lake Seaplane Base Talkeetna, AK
PACH 9A3 Chuathbaluk Chuathbaluk, AK
PACR IRC CRC Circle City Circle, AK
CHP CHP Circle Hot Springs Circle Hot Springs, AK
6AK9 Cizek North Wasilla, AK
HYL HYL Clark Bay Seaplane Base Hollis, AK
PFCL CLP CLP Clarks Point Clarks Point, AK
PACL Z84 Clear Clear, AK
2AK2 Clear Creek Fairbanks /Ft Wainwright/, AK
CLF Clear Sky Lodge (Closed) Clear, AK
Z86 Clearwater (Closed) Clearwater, AK
L20 Coal Creek Yukon Charley Rivers, AK
PAKC KCC KCC Coffman Cove Seaplane Base Coffman Cove, AK
5AK6 Colberg Palmer, AK
PACD CDB CDB Cold Bay Cold Bay, AK
PACX CXF CXF Coldfoot Coldfoot, AK
01CN Coleman Homestead Talkeetna, AK
KCR KCR Colorado Creek Colorado Creek, AK
Z93 Copper Center 2 Copper Center, AK
CKU CKU Cordova Muni Cordova, AK
3H3 Cottonwood Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
CIL K29 Council Council, AK
68AK Cowell's Heliport Big Lake, AK
52AK Crag Mountain Sutton, AK
1AK0 Craig Cg Heliport Craig, AK
CGA CGA Craig Seaplane Base Craig, AK
1AK1 Crevice Creek Crevice Creek, AK
PACJ CKD CJX Crooked Creek Crooked Creek, AK
1AK2 Crosswind Lake Crosswind Lake, AK
9AK7 Cubdivision Big Lake, AK
3AA3 Cvtc Fld Heliport Valdez, AK
D72 D&C Fire Lake Flying Club Seaplane Base Eagle River, AK
PODC DCK DCK Dahl Creek Dahl Creek, AK
7AK5 Dahler Homestead Soldotna, AK
31AK Dalrymple's Fairbanks, AK
7AK6 Dan France Soldotna, AK
A70 Dangerous River (Closed) Yakutat, AK
45AA Davidson Strip Talkeetna, AK
PASC SCC SCC Deadhorse Deadhorse, AK
PADE DRG DEE Deering Deering, AK
AA22 Delta Daves Delta Junction, AK
D66 Delta Junction Delta Junction, AK
AK06 Denali McKinley Park, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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