Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Alaska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
A88 Gunsight Mountain (Closed) Gunsight Mountain Lodge, AK
AA33 Gus Landing Houston, AK
PAGS GST GST Gustavus Gustavus, AK
96AK Hackney Landing Seaplane Base Clam Gulch, AK
AK48 Haggards Landing Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
PAHN HNS HNS Haines Haines, AK
3Z9 Haines Seaplane Base (Closed) Haines, AK
Z58 Hangar Lake Seaplane Base Bethel, AK
32AK Hardrock Fld Fairbanks, AK
A67 Harlequin Lake Yakutat, AK
HWI HWI Hawk Inlet Seaplane Base Hawk Inlet, AK
HAY Haycock (Closed) Haycock, AK
PAHV HRR Healy River Healy, AK
2AK7 Helio Big Lake, AK
22AK Helmericks (Closed) Deadhorse, AK
75AK Henley Kenai, AK
HED AK33 Herendeen Bay Herendeen Bay, AK
7AK8 Hess Wasilla, AK
97AK High Ridge Association Palmer, AK
AK11 High Vista Nikiski, AK
47AK Highland Eagle River, AK
AK24 Hilltop Chugiak, AK
56AK Hinkes Mc Grath, AK
2AK6 Hog River Hogatza, AK
PAHC HCR HCA Holy Cross Holy Cross, AK
PAHO HOM HOM Homer Homer, AK
5BL Homer-Beluga Lake Seaplane Base Homer, AK
25AK Honeybee Lake Aero Park Willow, AK
PAOH HNH HNH Hoonah Hoonah, AK
POOH OOH OOH Hoonah Seaplane Base Hoonah, AK
PAHP HPB HPB Hooper Bay Hooper Bay, AK
5HO Hope Hope, AK
86AK Hoppes Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
AA02 Horseshoe Lake Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
4Z5 Horsfeld Horsfeld, AK
5AK2 Howards North Pole, AK
PAHU HUS HUS Hughes Hughes, AK
10AK Hunt Strip Wasilla, AK
AK66 Hunter Creek Palmer, AK
PAHL HLA Huslia Huslia, AK
79AK Huttunen Strip Wasilla, AK
PAHY HYG HYG Hydaburg Seaplane Base Hydaburg, AK
WHD 4Z7 Hyder Seaplane Base Hyder, AK
ICY 19AK Icy Bay Icy Bay, AK
2AK8 Icy Cape Afs Icy Cape, AK
PAIG IGG IGG Igiugig Igiugig, AK
PAIL ILI ILI Iliamna Iliamna, AK
2AK9 Independence Creek Independence Creek, AK
PAIM UTO UTO Indian Mountain Lrrs Utopia Creek, AK
4AK1 Inigok Deadhorse, AK
2R3 Island Lake Seaplane Base Kenai, AK
29A Island Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
KIB KIB Ivanof Bay Seaplane Base (Closed) Ivanof Bay, AK
7AK4 Jack Fish Landing Wasilla, AK
AK43 Jacobsen Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
8AK1 Jacobus Fld Gulkana, AK
AK0 Jakes Bar McCarthy, AK
4Z9 Jakolof Bay Jakolof Bay, AK
AK72 Jewell Willow, AK
82AK Jim's Landing (Closed) Palmer, AK
03AK Joe Clouds Seaplane Base Kenai, AK
3AK4 Johnson Kenai, AK
27AK Johnson Strip Yentna Skwentna, AK
Z52 Johnsons Landing Bear Lake, AK
PAJO 2AK5 Johnstone Point Hinchinbrook, AK
AK79 Jolly Fld Wasilla, AK
L95 Jones Landing Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
PAJV JVM JVM Jonesville Mine (Closed) Sutton, AK
06AK June Lake Airpark Wasilla, AK
66AK June Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
5Z1 Juneau Harbor Seaplane Base (Closed) Juneau, AK
PAJN JNU JNU Juneau Intl Juneau, AK
09AN Kachemak Landing Homer, AK
PAFE AFE Kake Kake, AK
KAE KAE Kake Seaplane Base Kake, AK
9AK2 Kako Russian Mission, AK
KKK 1KC Kalakaket Creek As Kalakaket Creek, AK
0AA7 Kalifonsky Meadows Kenai, AK
43AK Kalmbach Wasilla, AK
54AK Kalmbach Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
PALG KLG KLG Kalskag Kalskag, AK
PAKV KAL KAL Kaltag Kaltag, AK
5Z5 Kantishna Kantishna, AK
PAKY KYK KYK Karluk Karluk, AK
KKL KKL Karluk Lake Seaplane Base Karluk Lake, AK
KXA KXA Kasaan Seaplane Base Kasaan, AK
AK34 Kashwitna Lake Seaplane Base Willow, AK
PFKA KUK Z09 Kasigluk Kasigluk, AK
5KS Kasilof Kasilof, AK
5Z7 Kasitsna (Closed) Kasitsna Bay, AK
00AN Katmai Lodge King Salmon, AK
RK1 Kavik Strip Kavik River, AK
PAEN ENA ENA Kenai Muni Kenai, AK
1AK4 Kenai River Airpark Soldotna, AK
17AK Ketchikan /Temsco H/ Heliport Ketchikan, AK
WFB 5KE Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base Ketchikan, AK
PAKT KTN KTN Ketchikan Intl Ketchikan, AK
PAVC KVC KVC King Cove King Cove, AK
AK59 King Ranch Sutton, AK
PAKN AKN AKN King Salmon King Salmon, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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