Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Alaska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
AK38 Providence Hospital Heliport Anchorage, AK
01AK Providence Seward Medical Center Heliport Seward, AK
01A Purkeypile Purkeypile, AK
74AK Puviaq (Closed) Barrow, AK
20K Quail Creek Quail Creek, AK
JLA JLA Quartz Creek Cooper Landing, AK
5QC Quartz Creek / Kougarok Quartz Creek, AK
PAQH AQH AQH Quinhagak Quinhagak, AK
AN00 Racs Magazine Heliport Girdwood, AK
6AK7 Rainbow Heights Estates Airstrip Wasilla, AK
6AK Rainy Pass Lodge Rainy Pass, AK
PATA TAL TAL Ralph M Calhoun Meml Tanana, AK
PAOT OTZ OTZ Ralph Wien Meml Kotzebue, AK
PFMP RMP RMP Rampart Rampart, AK
AK96 Randy Briggs Mem Fld Ugashik, AK
0AA5 Rangeview Airstrip Trapper Creek, AK
AK80 Red Creek (Closed) Lake Louise, AK
RDV RDV Red Devil Red Devil, AK
PADG RDB DGG Red Dog Red Dog, AK
2VI2 Redoubt View Seaplane Base Kenai, AK
AK29 Reids Landing Houston, AK
29AK Remington Fld Delta Junction, AK
3AK9 River John (Closed) Skwentna, AK
0Z2 Road Commission Nr 1 (Closed) Denali, AK
L93 Robe Lake Seaplane Base Valdez, AK
PFNO ORV D76 Robert/Bob/Curtis Meml Noorvik, AK
50AK Robin's Landing Point Mackenzie, AK
11AK Rocking T Ranch Delta Junction, AK
8AK3 Roland Norton Meml Airstrip Selawik, AK
PARS RSH RSH Russian Mission Russian Mission, AK
02AK Rustic Wilderness Willow, AK
AA07 Saddleback Island Heliport Big Lake, AK
SGW A23 Saginaw Seaplane Base Saginaw Bay, AK
82AK Salamatof Cannery Lodge Heliport Kenai, AK
Z81 Salmon Lake Salmon Lake, AK
WSJ WSJ San Juan /Uganik/ Seaplane Base San Juan, AK
PASD SDP SDP Sand Point Sand Point, AK
13AK Satterbergs Houston, AK
PASA SVA SVA Savoonga Savoonga, AK
PACM SCM SCM Scammon Bay Scammon Bay, AK
AK64 Scooters Skwentna, AK
AK84 Scooters Landing Strip Sterling, AK
0AK0 Scotts North Pole, AK
AN0 Scout Lake - Muskrat Cove Seaplane Base Sterling, AK
8AK4 Scout Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Sterling, AK
49AK Secluded Lake Talkeetna, AK
PASK WLK WLK Selawik Selawik, AK
PASO SOV SOV Seldovia Seldovia, AK
A27 Seldovia Seaplane Base Seldovia, AK
41AK Settlers Bay Airstrip Wasilla, AK
PAWD SWD SWD Seward Seward, AK
3A3 Seymour Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
PAHX SHX SHX Shageluk Shageluk, AK
PFSH 2C7 Shaktoolik Shaktoolik, AK
AA15 Shannons Pond Seaplane Base Dillingham, AK
AK47 Shawn Fld Wasilla, AK
PASP SMU SMU Sheep Mountain Sheep Mountain, AK
AA25 Shelby Strip Palmer, AK
09AA Sheldon Chalet Heliport Talkeetna, AK
AK90 Shirley Lake Willow, AK
PASH SHH SHH Shishmaref Shishmaref, AK
AA00 Shump Talkeetna, AK
PAGH SHG SHG Shungnak Shungnak, AK
PASI SIT SIT Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Sitka, AK
A29 Sitka Seaplane Base Sitka, AK
A68 Situk Yakutat, AK
AA06 Sixmile Lake Anchorage, AK
PAGY SGY SGY Skagway Skagway, AK
7K2 Skagway Seaplane Base (Closed) Skagway, AK
3AK1 Skelton Eureka, AK
PAZK AZK AK04 Skelton (Closed) Eureka, AK
WOW AK67 Skid Marks Willow, AK
3K0 Skilak Blm Helistop Heliport (Closed) Skilak Guard Station, AK
PASW SKW SKW Skwentna Skwentna, AK
9AK5 Sky Harbor Anchorage, AK
AK50 Sky Ranch At Pioneer Peak Palmer, AK
25AA Skyflight Fairbanks, AK
6AK2 Sleepers Strip Point Mackenzie, AK
PASL SLQ SLQ Sleetmute Sleetmute, AK
7AK2 Snettisham Snettisham, AK
5AK4 Snowshoe Lake Glennallen, AK
PASX SXQ SXQ Soldotna Soldotna, AK
SD1 Soldotna Hospital Heliport Soldotna, AK
AK26 Solomon State Fld Solomon, AK
87AK Soloy Strip Wasilla, AK
3AK3 Songlo Vista Talkeetna, AK
AK39 South Gasline Sterling, AK
67AK South Hollywood Wasilla, AK
PFWS WSN WSN South Naknek Nr 2 South Naknek, AK
4AA4 South Peninsula Hospital Heliport Homer, AK
PASV SVW SVW Sparrevohn Lrrs Sparrevohn, AK
9AK0 Sportsmens Paradise Tok, AK
AA51 Spy Island Drill-Site Heliport Kuparuk, AK
36H Squaw Harbor Seaplane Base Squaw Harbor, AK
PAPB PBV St George St George, AK
WWA 4AK2 St John Homestead Wasilla, AK
PASM KSM KSM St Mary's St Mary's, AK
PAMK SMK SMK St Michael St Michael, AK
PASN SNP SNP St Paul Island St Paul Island, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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