Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Alaska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
AK55 Moose Run Airstrip Soldotna, AK
80AK Morvro Lake Seaplane Base Houston, AK
4K2 Morvro Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Houston, AK
KMY KMY Moser Bay Seaplane Base Moser Bay, AK
MOS MOS Moses Point Elim, AK
PAMO MOU MOU Mountain Village Mountain Village, AK
8K9 Murphys Pullout Seaplane Base Ketchikan, AK
76Z Nakeen Nakeen, AK
5NK Naknek Naknek, AK
78Z Nancy Lake Seaplane Base Nancy Lake, AK
KEB KEB Nanwalek Nanwalek, AK
4AK8 Napaimute Pioneer Airfield Napaimute, AK
PANA WNA WNA Napakiak Napakiak, AK
PAPK PKA PKA Napaskiak Napaskiak, AK
NKI AK62 Naukati Bay Seaplane Base Tuxekan Island, AK
PAOU NLG OUL Nelson Lagoon Nelson Lagoon, AK
PANN ENN ENN Nenana Muni Nenana, AK
PANW KNW KNW New Stuyahok New Stuyahok, AK
PAEW EWU EWU Newtok (Closed) Newtok, AK
WWT WWT Newtok Seaplane Base Newtok, AK
06AN Niesen Airstrip Nikiski, AK
PAGT NME IGT Nightmute Nightmute, AK
AA38 Nikaitchuq Operations Center Heliport Kuparuk, AK
3AK2 Niklason Lake Estates Palmer, AK
4AK0 Niklason Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
PAFS NIB FSP Nikolai Nikolai, AK
9AK3 Nikolai Creek Tyonek, AK
PAKO IKO IKO Nikolski As Nikolski, AK
NIN NIN Ninilchik Ninilchik, AK
AK40 Nixon Fork Mine Mc Grath, AK
PAWN WTK WTK Noatak Noatak, AK
94Z Nome City Fld Nome, AK
PANO NNL 5NN Nondalton Nondalton, AK
04AN North 40 Sutton, AK
8AK8 North Cubs Strip Wasilla, AK
18AK North Douglas Heliport Juneau, AK
WWP 96Z North Whale Seaplane Base (Closed) North Whale Pass, AK
90AK Northstar Heliport Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse, AK
PAOR ORT ORT Northway Northway, AK
33AK Nugget Bench Nugget Bench, AK
PAQT AQT AQT Nuiqsut Nuiqsut, AK
PANU NUL NUL Nulato Nulato, AK
SXP SXP Nunam Iqua Nunam Iqua, AK
PPIT NUP 16A Nunapitchuk Nunapitchuk, AK
AK21 Nushagak Dillingham, AK
ZNC ZNC Nyac Nyac, AK
1AK5 Offshore Systems-Kenai Heliport Nikiski, AK
6R7 Old Harbor Old Harbor, AK
KOY KOY Olga Bay Seaplane Base Olga Bay, AK
PFNU AK32 Oooguruk Island Heliport Nuiqsut, AK
Z17 Ophir Ophir, AK
PPNU AA27 Otp Heliport Nuiqsut, AK
KOZ 4K5 Ouzinkie Ouzinkie, AK
20AK Owen Fld Big Lake, AK
PA06 Pacer Place Heliport Anchorage, AK
27AK Pad-66 Heliport (Closed) Kuparuk, AK
07AA Pan Lake Strip Willow, AK
0AK3 Parker Lake Montana Creek, AK
AK63 Pat-Mar Strip Palmer, AK
KPH KPH Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base (Closed) Pauloff Harbor /Sanak Is/, AK
PAXK PXK PXK Paxson Paxson, AK
PDB 4K0 Pedro Bay Pedro Bay, AK
PEC PEC Pelican Seaplane Base Pelican, AK
59AK Penderosa Wasilla, AK
9C0 Peninsula Point Pullout Seaplane Base Ketchikan, AK
PYL PYL Perry Island Seaplane Base Perry Island, AK
PAPE KPV PEV Perryville Perryville, AK
PAPG PSG PSG Petersburg James a Johnson Petersburg, AK
PAPN PNP Pilot Point Pilot Point, AK
PQS 0AK Pilot Station Pilot Station, AK
AK25 Piper Landing Wasilla, AK
PAPM PTU PTU Platinum Platinum, AK
6AK1 Platinum Mine Platinum, AK
1AK9 Pogo Heliport Delta Junction, AK
76AK Pogo Mine Airstrip Delta Junction, AK
PFKP KPB KPB Point Baker Seaplane Base Point Baker, AK
PAPO PHO PHO Point Hope Point Hope, AK
PPIZ PIZ PIZ Point Lay Lrrs Point Lay, AK
AK36 Point Mac Point Mackenzie, AK
AK37 Point Mackenzie Heliport Point Mackenzie, AK
AK11 Point McIntyre (Closed) Point McIntyre, AK
PAAD 37AA Point Thomson Airstrip Deadhorse, AK
35AK Poker Bluff Willow, AK
0AK8 Pollux Heliport (Closed) North Pole, AK
PCK PCK Porcupine Creek (Closed) Porcupine Creek, AK
PAAP AHP Port Alexander Seaplane Base Port Alexander, AK
PTC 16K Port Alice Seaplane Base Port Alice, AK
PALJ PTA TPO Port Alsworth Port Alsworth, AK
KPY KPY Port Bailey Seaplane Base Port Bailey, AK
PAPC KPC KPC Port Clarence CGS Port Clarence, AK
PGM PGM Port Graham Port Graham, AK
PAPH PTH PTH Port Heiden Port Heiden, AK
KORI ORI ORI Port Lions Port Lions, AK
PAAL PML 1AK3 Port Moller Cold Bay, AK
19P Port Protection Seaplane Base Port Protection, AK
PPWR PWR PWR Port Walter Seaplane Base Port Walter, AK
KPR KPR Port Williams Seaplane Base Port Williams, AK
PAOC A14 Portage Creek Portage Creek, AK
PAPR PPC PPC Prospect Creek Prospect Creek, AK
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Dauntless Aviation

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