Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Alaska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
PAKI IIK IIK Kipnuk Kipnuk, AK
KKB KKB Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base Kitoi Bay, AK
PAVL KVL KVL Kivalina Kivalina, AK
PAKW AKW Klawock Klawock, AK
PAQC KLW AQC Klawock Seaplane Base (Closed) Klawock, AK
PAOB OBU Kobuk Kobuk, AK
PADQ ADQ ADQ Kodiak Kodiak, AK
AK74 Kodiak Emergency/Spruce Cape Heliport (Closed) Kodiak, AK
PAKD KDK KDK Kodiak Muni Kodiak, AK
9Z3 Kodiak/Lilly Lake Seaplane Base Kodiak, AK
5KO Koggiung (Closed) Koggiung, AK
PFKK 9K2 Kokhanok Kokhanok, AK
PAJZ JZZ JZZ Koliganek Koliganek, AK
PADY DUY DUY Kongiganak Kongiganak, AK
PFKO KOT 2A9 Kotlik Kotlik, AK
PAKK KKA KKA Koyuk Alfred Adams Koyuk, AK
PFKU KYU KYU Koyukuk Koyukuk, AK
AK86 Kramer Big Lake, AK
39AK Kroenke Strip Palmer, AK
63AK Kucera Residence Big Lake, AK
91AK Kucera Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
PAKL LKK LKK Kulik Lake Kulik Lake, AK
9Z7 Kvichak /Diamond J/ (Closed) Kvichak, AK
PFKW KWT KWT Kwethluk Kwethluk, AK
PAGG GGV GGV Kwigillingok Kwigillingok, AK
KWK KWK Kwigillingok Seaplane Base (Closed) Kwigillingok, AK
PAFB FBK FBK Ladd AAF Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AK
BKF 5Z9 Lake Brooks Seaplane Base Katmai National Park, AK
PALH LHD Lake Hood Anchorage, AK
Lake Hood Seaplane Base (Closed) Anchorage, AK
Z41 Lake Hood Strip (Closed) Anchorage, AK
Z55 Lake Louise Lake Louise, AK
13S Lake Louise Seaplane Base Lake Louise, AK
4A3 Lake Lucille Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
78AA Lakewood North Pole, AK
53AK Lakewood Airstrip Sterling, AK
AK22 Lakloey Air Park Fairbanks, AK
PALB KLN 2A3 Larsen Bay Larsen Bay, AK
3AK7 Laub Willow, AK
9Z9 Lawing Lawing, AK
55AK Lawrence Airstrip Wasilla, AK
9AK6 Leisurewood Airstrip Wasilla, AK
KLL 9Z8 Levelock Levelock, AK
LVD 2AK Lime Village Lime Village, AK
89AK Lincoln Village Airpark Wasilla, AK
3AK0 Little Neklason Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Wasilla, AK
8AK6 Little Susitna Susitna Station, AK
LIV 4AK Livengood Camp Livengood, AK
63A Lloyd R Roundtree Seaplane Facility Seaplane Base Petersburg, AK
LNI AK71 Lonely As Lonely, AK
4AK3 Long Lake Long Lake, AK
AK69 Long Lake Willow, AK
AK57 Long Lake Seaplane Base Willow, AK
OL99 Lookout Homer, AK
WLR 13Z Loring Seaplane Base Loring, AK
57AK Lost Lake Spb Seaplane Base (Closed) Wasilla, AK
LSR Lost River 1 (Closed) Lost River, AK
AK45 Lost River 2 (Closed) Lost River, AK
00AK Lowell Fld Anchor Point, AK
2AK0 Mac Kenzie Country Airpark Point Mackenzie, AK
L85 Mackeys Lakes Seaplane Base Soldotna, AK
4AK5 Mankomen Lake Mankomen Lake, AK
PAML MLY MLY Manley Hot Springs Manley Hot Springs, AK
PAMB KMO MBA Manokotak Manokotak, AK
85AK Marion Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
PADM FTL MDM Marshall Don Hunter Sr Marshall, AK
AK92 Martin Palmer, AK
92AK Mat-Su Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Palmer, AK
74AK Maud Road Strip Palmer, AK
MYK MYK May Creek May Creek, AK
PAMC MCG MCG Mc Grath Mc Grath, AK
16Z Mc Grath Seaplane Base Mc Grath, AK
01AN Mc Hone Heights Wasilla, AK
81AK Mc Kinley Country Trapper Creek, AK
PAIN INR INR Mc Kinley Ntl Park McKinley Park, AK
PAMX MXY 15Z McCarthy McCarthy, AK
8AK4 McCues Heliport Ketchikan, AK
AK73 McGahan Industrial Airpark Nikishka, AK
AK48 Medevac, West Valley Med Campus Heliport (Closed) Wasilla, AK
PAMY MYU MYU Mekoryuk Mekoryuk, AK
38AK Mels Wasilla, AK
5AK8 Memory Lake Wasilla, AK
69AK Memory Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
PACV CDV CDV Merle K (Mudhole) Smith Cordova, AK
PAMR MRI MRI Merrill Fld Anchorage, AK
PAEW EWU Mertarvik Mertarvik, AK
PFME F02 Mertarvik Quarry Road Landing Strip (Closed) Mertarvik, AK
PAMM MTM MTM Metlakatla Seaplane Base Metlakatla, AK
MTX MTF Metro Fld Fairbanks, AK
84K Meyers Chuck Seaplane Base Meyers Chuck, AK
PAMD MDO MDO Middleton Island Middleton Island, AK
PAMH MHM Minchumina Minchumina, AK
51Z Minto al Wright Minto, AK
MFN Minuteman Lake Seaplane Base Willow, AK
AK68 Minuteman Strip Willow, AK
AA11 Misty Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
AK52 Moen's Ranch Fairbanks, AK
21AK Montana Creek Talkeetna, AK
99AK Moore Creek Moore Creek, AK
9AK9 Moose Meadows Sterling, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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