Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Idaho


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
ID30 Everett II Heliport Ketchum, ID
0ID5 Ez Lope Ranch (Closed) Oreana, ID
1ID7 Fairbanks Airfield Eden, ID
ID70 Fairfield Ranch Fairfield, ID
ID93 Fecundity Farm Strip Twin Falls, ID
S92 Fish Lake /Usfs/ Fish Lake, ID
10ID Flat Top Airstrip Muldoon, ID
ID59 Flying a Ranch Lake Fork, ID
12ID Flying B Ranch Landing Strip Salmon, ID
ID50 Flying Coyote Ranch Carmen, ID
96ID Flying H Ranch Priest River, ID
0ID2 Flying Joseph Ranch May, ID
61ID Flying W Ranch Priest River, ID
03ID Flying Y Ranch Council, ID
24ID Flying Z Ranch Challis, ID
ID92 Foster Fld - Dzone Skydiving Star, ID
ID60 Fountains Moscow, ID
45ID Fox Creek Priest River, ID
34ID Freeman Creek Cavendish, ID
KSUN SUN SUN Friedman Meml Hailey, ID
U86 Frostenson Fld Fairfield, ID
U88 Garden Valley Garden Valley, ID
D12 Garden Valley Heliport Garden Valley, ID
U89 Glenns Ferry Muni Glenns Ferry, ID
73U Golden Age Mine Heliport (Closed) Idaho City, ID
KGNG GNG GNG Gooding Muni Gooding, ID
U45 Graham Usfs Atlanta, ID
ID34 Granite (Closed) Athol, ID
U91 Grasmere Grasmere, ID
ID68 Green Acres Kuna, ID
ID90 Greenleaf Air Ranch Greenleaf, ID
7ID7 Gritman Medical Center Heliport Moscow, ID
ID70 Gulch Trust Heliport (Closed) Ketchum/Sun Valley, ID
ID05 Hackney Airpark Athol, ID
ID97 Hangman Creek Ranch (Closed) De Smet, ID
20ID Harrington Idaho City, ID
ID27 Hawk Haven Coeur d'Alene, ID
U94 Hazelton Muni Hazelton, ID
3ID4 Health Center Heliport Glenns Ferry, ID
ID39 Hell Roaring Ranch Stanley, ID
U53 Henrys Lake Island Park, ID
U53 Henry's Lake (Closed) Lake/Island Park/, ID
ID97 Hibbs (Closed) Greenleaf, ID
ID44 Hidden Lakes Cascade, ID
ID35 High Valley Cascade, ID
0U7 Hollow Top Carey, ID
0U7 Hollow Top (Closed) Martin, ID
S66 Homedale Muni Homedale, ID
4D2 Hoodoo Meadows Salmon, ID
1ID2 Horseshoe Bend Heliport Horseshoe Bend, ID
63ID Hoskins Fld Caldwell, ID
U97 Howe Howe, ID
ID00 Hubler Fld Caldwell, ID
ID20 Hubof's Heliport Post Falls, ID
27ID Huddleston Filer, ID
37ID Hungry Ridge Ranch Grangeville, ID
ID72 Huskey Irwin, ID
U98 Idaho City Usfs Idaho City, ID
KGIC GIC Idaho County Grangeville, ID
KIDA IDA IDA Idaho Falls Rgnl Idaho Falls, ID
3ID7 Indian Creek Ranch (Closed) Kuna, ID
S81 Indian Creek Usfs Indian Creek, ID
07ID Interstate (Closed) Malta, ID
S72 Jack a Buell St Maries, ID
9ID0 Jenkins Creek Ranch Weiser, ID
KJER JER Jerome County Jerome, ID
ID04 J-Lazy-M Ranch (Closed) Fish Haven, ID
3U2 Johnson Creek Yellow Pine, ID
2ID3 Josephine Ranch Triangle, ID
KTWF TWF TWF Joslin Fld/Magic Valley Rgnl Twin Falls, ID
S73 Kamiah Muni Kamiah, ID
ID36 King Mountain Glider Park Gliderport Moore, ID
S82 Kooskia Muni Kooskia, ID
ID03 Kootenai Health Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
24K Krassel Usfs Mc Call, ID
U99 Laidlaw Corrals Kimama, ID
S96 Lake Pend Oreille Seaplane Base (Closed) Glengary, ID
0U0 Landmark Usfs Landmark, ID
04ID Lanham Fld Emmett, ID
06ID Larkin Kuna, ID
01ID Lava Hot Springs Lava Hot Springs, ID
ID06 Lazy H Ranch Atlanta, ID
U00 Leadore Leadore, ID
0U9 Lee Williams Meml Midvale, ID
KSMN SMN SMN Lemhi County Salmon, ID
2ID6 Lemons Fld Fruitland, ID
8ID8 Lewis and Clark Airstrip Salmon, ID
KLWS LWS LWS Lewiston/Nez Perce County Lewiston, ID
2ID2 Linda's Roost Mackay, ID
C53 Lower Loon Creek Challis, ID
U62 Mackay Mackay, ID
ID28 Mackay Bar Dixie, ID
S77 Magee Coeur d'Alene, ID
U93 Magic Reservoir Hailey, ID
0U3 Mahoney Creek Usfs Mahoney Creek, ID
KMLD MLD MLD Malad City Malad City, ID
9ID6 Mallard Creek Ranch Elk City, ID
ID8 Marble Creek Challis, ID
0U8 May May, ID
ID08 Mc Call Memorial Hospital Heliport (Closed) Mc Call, ID
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