Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Idaho


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
ID52 40 Acre Airstrip Salmon, ID
30ID 4z Ranch Hailey, ID
U36 Aberdeen Muni Aberdeen, ID
39ID Albion Muni (Closed) Albion, ID
U78 Allen H Tigert Soda Springs, ID
U01 American Falls American Falls, ID
ID10 Anderson-Plummer (Closed) Potlatch, ID
U92 Antelope Valley Moore, ID
U92 Antelope Valley (Closed) Grouse, ID
KAOC AOC Arco-Butte County Arco, ID
77ID Ashley Meridian, ID
55H Atlanta Atlanta, ID
U51 Bancroft Muni Bancroft, ID
ID51 Battle Ridge Butte Kooskia, ID
ID96 Bear Air Donnelly, ID
1U7 Bear Lake County Paris, ID
16ID Bear Lake Meml Hospital Helipad Heliport Montpelier, ID
1U0 Bear Trap Minidoka, ID
1ID3 Beaux Ranch Fld Sandpoint, ID
ID14 Benewah Community Hospital Heliport St Maries, ID
ID31 Bens Ranch Cascade, ID
U54 Bernard Usfs Bernard, ID
1DA Big Bar Usfs Lucile, ID
ID71 Big Country Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
U60 Big Creek Big Creek, ID
54U Big Creek Heliport Big Creek, ID
ID29 Big Island Orofino, ID
U46 Big Southern Butte Atomic City, ID
ID83 Bighorn Airpark Lewiston, ID
ID19 Bird Nr 2 Sandpoint, ID
42ID Black Bear Ranch Garden Valley, ID
0ID4 Black Butte Ranch Shoshone, ID
41ID Black's Airfield Kuna, ID
35ID Bluebird Salmon, ID
KBOI BOI BOI Boise Air Trml/Gowen Fld Boise, ID
ID89 Boise Plaza Heliport (Closed) Boise, ID
ID54 Bottle Bay Seaplane Base Sandpoint, ID
44ID Boulder Creek Airstrip Donnelly, ID
65S Boundary County Bonners Ferry, ID
ID52 Bowman Field (Closed) Chester, ID
S76 Brooks Seaplane Base Coeur d'Alene, ID
U63 Bruce Meadows Stanley, ID
U03 Buhl Muni Buhl, ID
KBYI BYI BYI Burley Muni Burley, ID
I08 Cabin Creek Usfs Big Creek Ranger Station, ID
99ID CAHC Emergency Heliport Challis, ID
KEUL EUL EUL Caldwell Exec Caldwell, ID
40ID Camas Creek Ranch Fairfield, ID
ID04 Canyon Murphy, ID
U65 Carey Carey, ID
ID43 Carlin Bay Coeur d'Alene, ID
U70 Cascade Cascade, ID
ID55 Cascade Medical Center Heliport Cascade, ID
66S Cavanaugh Bay Coolin, ID
C64 Cayuse Creek Usfs Cayuse Creek, ID
KLLJ CHL LLJ Challis Challis, ID
U79 Chamberlain Usfs Chamberlain Guard Station, ID
32ID Chimney Creek Fairfield, ID
79ID Clear Creek Int Kooskia, ID
ID66 Clearwater Valley Hospital Heliport Orofino, ID
ID02 Coeur d'Alene Resort Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
KCOE COE COE Coeur d'Alene/Pappy Boyington Fld Coeur d'Alene, ID
U81 Cold Meadows Usfs Cold Meadows Guard Station, ID
0U2 Copper Basin Mackay, ID
0ID9 Corral Creek Helmer, ID
S84 Cottonwood Muni Cottonwood, ID
D47 Cougar Ranch Challis, ID
U82 Council Muni Council, ID
U48 Coxs Well Atomic City, ID
17ID Coyote Ridge Midvale, ID
0ID3 Coyote Run Mountain Home, ID
ID84 Cptpa Headquarters Headquarters, ID
S89 Craigmont Muni Craigmont, ID
ID77 Cuddy Meadows Cambridge, ID
ID01 Cx Ranch Clark Fork, ID
ID78 Cx Ranch Nr 2 Clark Fork, ID
28ID D Bar C Dixie, ID
7GE1 Davison Ranch (Closed) Caldwell, ID
ID86 Deadwood Dam Airstrip Cascade, ID
95ID Deer Creek Lewiston, ID
00ID Delta Shores Clark Fork, ID
A05 Dixie Usfs Dixie, ID
U84 Donald D Coski Meml Donnelly, ID
36ID Dorothy Roeber Meml Heliport Atlanta, ID
91ID Double Dreidel Heliport Smith's Ferry, ID
U58 Downey/Hyde Meml/ Downey, ID
ID65 Driftwood Air Ranch Coeur d'Alene, ID
KDIJ DIJ Driggs/Reed Meml Driggs, ID
DBS U41 Dubois Muni Dubois, ID
ID46 Dworshak Heliport Ahsahka, ID
1S1 Eckhart Intl Porthill, ID
ID18 Eirmc Heliport Idaho Falls, ID
S90 Elk City Elk City, ID
11ID Elk Creek Heliport Riggins, ID
ID76 Elk Ridge Donnelly, ID
ID85 Elk River Elk River, ID
18ID Elmore Medical Center Heliport Mountain Home, ID
ID80 Emergency Medical Nr 1 Heliport (Closed) Moscow, ID
S78 Emmett Muni Emmett, ID
3ID3 Estes Moscow, ID
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Dauntless Aviation

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