Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Idaho


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
KMYL MYL MYL Mc Call Muni Mc Call, ID
25ID McCall United States Forest Service Heliport Mccall, ID
U02 McCarley Fld Blackfoot, ID
ID83 Mercy Heliport (Closed) Nampa, ID
U37 Midway Atomic City, ID
ID53 Minidoka Meml Hospital Heliport Rupert, ID
1U1 Moose Creek /Usfs/ Moose Creek Ranger Station, ID
26ID Moose Lodge Sandpoint, ID
02ID Morgan Ranch Cascade, ID
KMUO MUO MUO Mountain Home AFB Mountain Home, ID
U76 Mountain Home Muni Mountain Home, ID
1U2 Mud Lake/West Jefferson County Mud Lake, ID
1U3 Murphy Murphy, ID
3U0 Murphy Hot Springs Three Creek, ID
ID36 Murray (Closed) Sandpoint, ID
ID99 Mvrmc Nr2 Heliport (Closed) Twin Falls, ID
KMAN MAN Nampa Muni Nampa, ID
ID58 Nampa Valley Heliport Boise, ID
1U4 New Meadows New Meadows, ID
0S5 Nezperce Muni Nezperce, ID
ID07 Nichols Ranch Post Falls, ID
1ID8 North Canyon Medical Center, Inc Heliport Gooding, ID
1U6 Oakley Muni Oakley, ID
1ID4 Oasis Airpark Boise, ID
1ID4 Oasis Strip Ultralight (Closed) Oasis, ID
ID25 Olmstead Sky Ranch Sandpoint, ID
S68 Orofino Muni Orofino, ID
75C Orogrande Orogrande, ID
ID09 Otterson Ranch (Closed) Post Falls, ID
ID39 Owen Ranches Inc (Closed) Bruneau, ID
33ID Ozzy's Fairfield, ID
ID26 P and R Fld Mayfield, ID
59ID Palisades Fld Ultralight Palisades, ID
50S Parma Parma, ID
29ID Patterson Fld Emmett, ID
S75 Payette Muni Payette, ID
14ID Peaceful Cove Boise, ID
21ID Phillabaum Heliport Nordman, ID
ID82 Picabo Picabo, ID
1U9 Pine Pine, ID
0ID8 Pinnacle Grangeville, ID
KPIH PIH PIH Pocatello Rgnl Pocatello, ID
ID42 Poplar Point Bruneau, ID
ID64 Portneuf Medical Center Heliport Pocatello, ID
ID34 Power County Hospital District Heliport American Falls, ID
U10 Preston Preston, ID
ID08 Price Valley Helibase Heliport New Meadows, ID
67S Priest Lake Usfs Nordman, ID
1S6 Priest River Muni Priest River, ID
ID50 Q B One (Closed) Idaho Falls, ID
19ID Race Creek Heliport Riggins, ID
ID87 Rainbow Ranch Idaho Falls, ID
ID06 Ranch Aero (Closed) Hayden Lake, ID
68ID Rapoport Ranch Sandpoint, ID
ID57 Red Bird Lewiston, ID
I92 Reed Ranch Yellow Pine, ID
ID63 Reek Ranch Emmett, ID
6ID1 Regan Ranch Coeur d'Alene, ID
KRXE RXE RXE Rexburg-Madison County Rexburg, ID
ID63 Richards (Closed) Homedale, ID
11ID Riddle (Closed) Riddle, ID
U56 Rigby Rigby, ID
ID75 Riverlake Clark Fork, ID
ID23 Rock Creek Farm Worley, ID
ID73 Rockford Bay Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
2U4 Rockford Muni Rockford, ID
05ID Running Creek Ranch Grangeville, ID
ID12 Russell W Anderson Strip Riverside, ID
ID09 S Bar Ranch Hill City, ID
93ID Salmon River Helicopters Heliport Riggins, ID
KSZT SZT Sandpoint Sandpoint, ID
ID67 Sands Horseshoe Bend, ID
15ID Scanlon Coeur d'Alene, ID
ID98 Scanlon Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
ID17 Seven Devils Council, ID
2U5 Shearer /Usfs/ Shearer, ID
0WN8 Sheldon Heliport Coeur d'Alene, ID
07ID Shepard Strip Oldtown, ID
84ID Shetler's Heliport Twin Falls, ID
ID42 Shoshone Blm Heliport (Closed) Shoshone, ID
S83 Shoshone County Kellogg, ID
13ID Silva Ranch Stanley, ID
2ID4 Silverwood (Closed) Athol, ID
1ID9 Simko Fld Inkom, ID
ID62 Simpson Grace, ID
ID13 Sky Island Ranch St Maries, ID
38ID Sky Ranch North Nampa, ID
ID79 Sky Ranch South Nampa, ID
1ID9 Skyline Stolport (Closed) Inkom, ID
1S7 Slate Creek Slate Creek, ID
ID45 Slickpoo Mx Park Slickpoo, ID
1ID6 Sligars Landing Heliport Kimberly, ID
ID16 Sluder Airstrip Bellevue, ID
U87 Smiley Creek Smiley Creek, ID
U87 Smiley Creek (Closed) Galena, ID
2U0 Smith Prairie Prairie, ID
ID21 Smith Ranch Hauser Lake, ID
78U Snake River Seaplane Base Lewiston, ID
85U Soldier Bar Usfs Soldier Bar, ID
0ID0 South Fork Ranch Featherville, ID
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