Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YEUA Euroa Aerodrome Euroa, VIC
Euroa Wingnells Airfield (Closed) Euroa, VIC
YEUK Euroka Springs Taldora, Queensland, QLD
YEUG Eurong Heliport Eurong Ranger's Station, QLD
YEVA EVD Eva Downs Airport Eva Downs, NT
YEVD EVH Evans Head Aerodrome Evans Head, NSW
Evans Head RAAF Bombing Range HLS Evans Head, NSW
YEYD Evelyn Downs Airport Marla, South Australia, SA
YEVP Everard Park Airport Mimili, South Australia, SA
YEVM Evesham Morella, Queensland, QLD
YEXM EXM Exmouth Airport Exmouth, WA
YFLD Facing Island Queensland
Facing Island - Gatcomb Head Helipad Rockhampton, QLD
Facing Island Farmers Cove Helicopter Landing Site Gladstone, QLD
YFHO Fairfield Hospital Helipad Fairfield, NSW
Fairholme airstrip Fairholme NSW 2871, NSW
YFLT Fairlight Palmer, Queensland, QLD
YFVW Fairview Airport , NSW
FLC Falls Creek Falls Creek, NSW
YFWY Faraway Bay Airport Drysdale River, Western Austra, WA
YCUW Farrars Creek station Airstrip Farrars Creek, QLD
YFFT Farrell Flat Airport Farrell Flat, South Australia, SA
YFDN Federation Hsd Airport , NSW
Fenton Airfield (RAAF) , NT
YFNE FIK Finke Airport Finke, NT
YFIL FLY Finley Airport Finley, New South Wales, NSW
Finniss River Landing Ground Bynoe, NT
YXFH Fiona Stanley Hospital Helipad Perth, WA
YFCK Fish Creek Airport , VIC
Fish River Landing Ground Tipperary, NT
YFSR Fisher Gulung Mardrulk, Northern Terr, NT
YFSK Fiskville Airport Fiskville, VIC
YFTZ FIZ Fitzroy Crossing Airport Fitzroy Crossing, WA
YFWD Fleetwood Galilee, Queensland, QLD
YFLS Flinders Island Airport Flinders Island, South Austral, SA
YFLI FLS Flinders Island Airport Flinders Island, TAS
YBDP Flinders Island Aviation (Bridport) Bridport, TAS
Flinders Medical Centre Helipad Bedford Park, SA
YFLO FVL Flora Valley Airport Ord River, Western Australia, WA
YFLR Florina Florina, Northern Territory, NT
YFON Fonthill Lemont, Tasmania, TAS
YFBS FRB Forbes Airport Forbes, NSW
YXFO Forbes Hospital Heliport Forbes, NSW
YFRH Forest Hill Forest Hill, Queensland, QLD
YFRS Forest Vale Forestvale, Queensland, QLD
Forestvale Airstrip Forestvale, QLD
YFRT FOS Forrest Airport Forrest, WA
FVR Forrest River Airport Forrest River, WA
YFTA Forrestania Airport Forrestania, WA
YFSA Forsayth Airport Forsayth, Queensland, QLD
YFST FOT Forster (Wallis Is) Airport , NSW
YXFS Forster Hospital Helipad Forster / Tuncurry, NSW
YFCN Fort Constantine Cloncurry, Queensland, QLD
YFTC Fort Cooper Hail Creek, Queensland, QLD
YFDF KFE Fortescue - Dave Forrest Aerodrome Cloudbreak Village, WA
YFCU Fortescue River Airport Mardie, Western Australia, WA
YFOR Fortnum Airport Peak Hill, Western Australia, WA
YFOS FSL Fossil Downs Airport Fossil Downs Station, WA
Fossil Head Airport Thamarrurr, NT
four mile lake airstrip Menindee, NSW
YCVN Fpso Challis Venture Helideck (Closed) Timor Sea
YFRK Frankland Airport Frankland River, WA
Frankland Valley Vineyard Airport Frankland River, WA
Fraser Island (Gippsland reserve) airstrip Fraser Island, VIC
YFRG Fregon Airport , SA
YFTL JFM Fremantle Heliport Fremantle
YFRI Friendly Beaches Airport Friendly Beaches, Tasmania, TAS
frogs hollows airfield Tathra, NSW
YFRD Frome Downs Airport Curnamona, South Australia, SA
YGOV Gabo Is aAd sSte Airport
YGBO Gabo Island Airport Mallacoota, VIC
YGDV Galdeville Airport Cambridge, Queensland, QLD
YGLP Gallipolli Airport Nicholson, NT
YGWD Galway Downs Airport Windorah, Queensland, QLD
YGAM GBP Gamboola Airport Gamboola, QLD
YGMG Gamurruguyurru East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGAN Gan Gan Airport Gan Gan, NT
YGPT GPN Garden Point Airport Pirlangimpi, NT
YGMW Garmarrgawon West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGAI Garmedi West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGTA Garrathala East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
Garrawarra Farm Carpark HLS Lillydale, NSW
YGRK Garryak East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGSC GSC Gascoyne Junction Airport Gascoyne Junction, WA
YGAS Gatton Airpark gatton, QLD
YGAT Gatton Campus Airport (Closed) Gatton, QLD
YXGA Gatton Showgrounds Helicopter Landing Site Gatton, QLD
YGAW Gawler Airport , SA
YGAY GAH Gayndah Airport Gayndah, QLD
YXGI Gayndah Hospital Helipad Gayndah, QLD
YGEE Geebung Drysdale River, Western Austra, WA
YGEI Geehi Landing Ground Geehi, New South Wales, NSW
YGLG GEX Geelong Airport (Closed) Geelong, VIC
YGTC Gemtree Caravan Park Airstrip Anmatjere, NT
george lees airfield Pirrinuan, QLD 4405, QLD
YGTN GTT Georgetown Airport Georgetown, QLD
YGTO GEE Georgetown Airport Georgetown, TAS
Gerald Farm Airfield , NT
YGEL GET Geraldton Airport Geraldton, WA
Gerroa Sand Mine HLS Gerroa, NSW
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