Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YBJP Barraratjpi East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
Barraroo Airstrip Barraroo, NSW
YBRT Barratta Hs Waukaringa, South Australia, SA
YRIA Barrkira Airport Barrkira, NT
YBNP Barronup Malanda, Queensland, QLD
YBRC Barrow Creek Airport Davenport, Northern Territory, NT
YBWX BWB Barrow Island Airport Barrow Island, WA
YBTN Barton Siding Airport Tarcoola, South Australia, SA
YBRS Barwon Heads Airport Connewarre, VIC
YBYL Baryulgil Airstrip Baryulgil, NSW
YBTV BVW Batavia Downs Airport Wenlock, Queensland, QLD
YBCR Batchelor Airport Batchelor, Northern Territory, NT
Batemans Bay ALT Hanging Rock HLS Batemans Bay, NSW
Batemans Bay District Hospital Helipad Batemans Bay, NSW
YXBM Batemans Bay Helipad Batemans Bay, NSW
Batemans Bay Mackay Park HLS Batemans Bay, NSW
YBTH BHS Bathurst Airport Bathurst, NSW
YBHB Bathurst Harbour Airport Southwest, TAS
Bathurst Hospital Alternate (Victoria Park) Helipad Bathurst, NSW
YXBH Bathurst Hospital Helipad Bathurst, NSW
YBTI BRT Bathurst Island Airport Wurrumiyanga, NT
Batlow Showground Helicopter Landing Site Batlow, NSW
YBTS Battery Downs Airport , QLD
YBTP Battle Camp Station Cooktown, Queensland, QLD
Battle Mountain Airport Kumarina WA 6642, WA
YBAH Bauhinia Downs Airport Limmen, Northern Territory, NT
Baulkham Hills Private Hospital Helicopter Landing Site Baulkham Hills, NSW
YBAY Baygurrtji Airfield East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YBYW Bayswater Airport , QLD
YBEC Beacon Airport Beacon, Western Australia, WA
YBCF Beaconsfield Ilfracombe, Queensland, QLD
BEE Beagle Bay Beagle Bay, QLD
YBGB BEE Beagle Bay Airport Dampier Peninsula, WA
Beagle Bay Airport Mission River, QLD
YBTC Beatrice Downs Stonehenge, Queensland, QLD
YXBS Beaudesert Hospital Helipad Beaudesert, QLD
YBFT Beaufort Beaufort, Victoria, VIC
YBEF Beaufort Airport , VIC
YBDF BDW Bedford Downs Airport Ord River, Western Australia, WA
YBIE BEU Bedourie Airport Bedourie, QLD
YBEA Beeantha station airstrip Beeantha, QLD
YBEW Beechworth Airstrip Bulla, New South Wales, NSW
YBCH Beechworth Airstrip Beechworth, VIC
YBFM Beef Machine Condingup, Western Australia, WA
YAIR Beela Airstrip Moree, NSW
YERY Beemery Bourke, New South Wales, NSW
YXBV Bega Hospital Heliport Bega, NSW
YELE Belele Airport Meekatharra, Western Australia, WA
YBLH Bellalie Airport Eromanga, Queensland, QLD
YBET Bellata Airstrip (Closed) Bellata, NSW
Bellbrae private airstrip BellBrae, VIC
YBEB BXF Bellburn Airstrip Pumululu National Park, WA
YBVE Bellevue Airport Bellevue, QLD
YBLU Bellevue Airport , WA
YXEG Bellingen Medical - Connell Park HLS Bellingen, NSW
YBLV Belvoir Park Function Centre Upper Swan, Western Australia, WA
YAMO Belyando Airstrip Moray Downs, QLD
Belyuen Oval Helicopter Landing Site Delissaville, NT
YBLA BLN Benalla Airport Benalla, VIC
YBRA Benambra Airport Benambra, Victoria, VIC
YBCB Bencubbin Airport Bencubbin, Western Australia, WA
YBND Bendemeer Yuleba North, Queensland, QLD
YBND Bendick Murrell Airstrip Bendick Murrell, NSW
YBDG BXG Bendigo Airport Bendigo, VIC
YBEG Bening Field Airport Dotswood, Queensland, QLD
YBNM Benmara Airport Creswell, Northern Territory, NT
YBTK Bentinck Island Airport South Wellesley Islands, Queen, QLD
YBMG Bermagui - Dickinson Oval HLS Bermagui, NSW
YBRI Berri Gurra Gurra, South Australia, SA
Berrigan Airstrip Berrigan, NSW
YBSN Bessie Springs McArthur, Northern Territory, NT
YBES Beswick Beswick, Northern Territory, NT
YBEO BTX Betoota Airport Betoota, QLD
Between Lakes Private Airstrip , WA
YBEU Beulah 1 Airport , VIC
YBEE Beverley Airport , SA
YBEV Beverley Airport Beverley, Western Australia, WA
YBYS BVZ Beverley Springs Airport Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges, WA
YBBE BBE Big Bell Airport Big Bell, WA
YBIN Biggenden Airport Biggenden, Queensland, QLD
YXBI Biggenden Hospital Helipad Biggenden, QLD
YBBL Billabalong Airport Murchison, Western Australia, WA
YBLB Billabong Road House Airport Meadow, Western Australia, WA
YBST Billabong Stn Back Creek, New South Wales, NSW
YBGH Billengarrah McArthur, Northern Territory, NT
YBIL BIW Billiluna Airport Sturt Creek, Western Australia, WA
YXGT Billy Dunne Oval HLS Gulgong, NSW
YBLE ZBL Biloela Airport Biloela, QLD
Biloela Sports Field Helicopter Landing Site Biloela, QLD
Bimbijy station airstrip Bimbijy WA 6472, WA
Bimpero Airport Wanaaring, NSW
YBID Binda , NSW
Bindara Airstrip Menindee, NSW
YBIK Bindook Ndb (Closed) Andamooka, South Australia, NSW
YBHL Bindoon Hill Airstrip Bindoon, WA
YBIG Bing Bong McArthur, Northern Territory, NT
YBIA Bingara Airport Bingara, New South Wales, NSW
YXIG Bingara Hospital Heliport Bingara, NSW
YBGY Biniguy Airport Biniguy, New South Wales, NSW
YBIY Birany Birany Airfield East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
Dauntless Aviation

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