Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YXMO Mossman Hospital , QLD
YMOM Moulamein Airport Moulamein, NSW
YMNA Mount Allan Airport Yuelamu, Northern Territory, NT
mount archer mount archer, QLD
YMAU Mount Augusta Airport East Lyons River, Western Aust, WA
YBAN MBN Mount Barnett Airport Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges, WA
YBOW Mount Barrow Helicopter Landing Site Nunamara, TAS
YMNB Mount Barry Airport Algebuckina, South Australia, SA
YMBT Mount Beauty Airport Mount Beauty, VIC
YMUE Mount Borradale Airport West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
MBF Mount Buffalo Mount Buffalo, QLD
YMDY Mount Bundey Airport , NT
YMBN Mount Bundey Mine Mt Bundey, Northern Territory, NT
YMUN Mount Catt Flying Fox, Northern Territory, NT
YMVG MKV Mount Cavenagh Airport (Closed) Ghan, NT
Mount Chappell Island Airfield Mount Chappell Island, TAS
YMTC Mount Clarence Airport Mount Clarence Station, SA
YMCE Mount Clere Homestead Airport Gascoyne River, Western Austra, WA
YMCL Mount Coolon Airport , QLD
Mount Coolon Homestead Airfield Mount Coolon, QLD
YMPE Mount Cooper Airport Seventy Mile, Queensland, QLD
YMTX Mount Dare Airport Oodnadatta, South Australia, SA
YMDV Mount Davies Airport Pipalyatjara, South Australia, SA
YMNN Mount Denison Airport Anmatjere, Northern Territory, NT
YMTD Mount Dianne Lakeland, Queensland, QLD
YDME Mount Dimer Airport Lake Deborah, Western Australi, WA
YMDE Mount Dore Selwyn, Queensland, QLD
YXMD Mount Druitt Hospital Heliport Mount Druitt, NSW
YMEB Mount Eba Airport Mount Eba, SA
YMBZ Mount Ebenezer Airport Ghan, Northern Territory, NT
YMPH Mount Elephant Airport , VIC
YMTZ Mount Elizabeth Airport Gibb, WA
YFTN Mount Fitton Talc Airport Arkaroola Village, South Austr, SA
YWDV MFL Mount Full Stop Airport Wando Vale, QLD
YMTG MGB Mount Gambier Airport Mount Gambier
YMRT Mount Garnet Airport Mt Garnet, Queensland, QLD
YGSN Mount Gibson Airstrip , WA
YGON GPD Mount Gordon Airport Mount Gordon Mine, QLD
YMHA Mount Guide Waverley, Queensland, QLD
YMGN GSN Mount Gunson Airport Mount Gunson, SA
YMHE Mount Hale Meekatharra, Western Australia, WA
YMHT Mount Hart Station Airport Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges, WA
YMHL Mount Holland Airport , WA
YMTP Mount Hope Airport , SA
YHOT MHU Mount Hotham Airport Mount Hotham, VIC
YMHO MHO Mount House Airport Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges, WA
YMHW Mount Howitt Airport , QLD
YBMA ISA Mount Isa Airport Mount Isa, QLD
YMIV Mount Ive Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
YMJE Mount James Airport Gascoyne River, Western Austra, WA
YMNE WME Mount Keith Airport Mount Keith, WA
YLBG Mount Liebig Airport Mt Liebig, Northern Territory, NT
YLSY Mount Lindsay Airport Wartaru Homeland, South Austra, SA
YMLF Mount Lofty Heliport , SA
YMOG MMG Mount Magnet Airport Mount Magnet, WA
YMMT Mount Margaret Airport Eromanga, Queensland, QLD
YMCU Mount Mcclure Airport , WA
Mount Moffatt Airstrip Carnarvon National Park, QLD
YMGS Mount Morgans Airport Laverton, Western Australia, WA
YMMH Mount Mulgrave Airport Mount Mulgrave, QLD
YMDK Mount Riddock Airport Hart, Northern Territory, NT
YRIN Mount Ringwood Margaret River, Northern Terri, NT
YROS Mount Roseby Three Rivers, Queensland, QLD
YMSO Mount Sandon Airport , NSW
YMSF MTD Mount Sanford Station Airport , NT
YSAR Mount Sarah Airport Oodnadatta, South Australia, SA
YMTS Mount Short Ravensthorpe, Western Australi, WA
YMSK Mount Skinner Airport , NT
YMSW Mount Stewart Nanutarra, Western Australia, WA
YMSP Mount Surprise Airport Mt Surprise, Queensland, QLD
YMNS MSF Mount Swan Airport Hart, Northern Territory, NT
YMVY MNV Mount Valley Airport Flying Fox, Northern Territory, NT
YMVR Mount Vernon Station Airport , WA
YVIV Mount Vivian Airport Mount Vivian, SA
Mount Walker airstrip Mount Walker West QLD 4340, QLD
YMWE Mount Wedge Airport , NT
YMWC Mount Wickham Hs Mt Wyatt, Queensland, QLD
YMWM Mount William Airport Musselroe Bay, Tasmania, VIC
YWIB Mount Willoughby Airport Coober Pedy, SA
Mount Willoughby South Airport (Closed) Coober Pedy, SA
YMOU Moura Airport , QLD
YMTN Moura North Moura, Queensland, QLD
YMOY Moyen Stn Jundah, Queensland, QLD
YMLV Moyle River Nemarluk, Northern Territory, NT
MTD Mt Sandford Mt Sandford, NT
YMUC MUQ Muccan Station Airport Muccan Station, WA
YMUY Muckaty Pamayu, Northern Territory, NT
YMDG DGE Mudgee Airport Mudgee, NSW
YXMH Mudgee Hospital Helipad Mudgee, NSW
YMGE Mudgeegardaart West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YMUH Mudhamul Airport Mudhamul, NT
YYYA Mugarinya Airport Yandeyarra Station, WA
YMKB Mukinbudin Airport Mukinbudin, Western Australia, WA
YUAN LGE Mulan Airport Lake Gregory, WA
YLGA Mulga Downs Airport Wittenoom, Western Australia, WA
YMUP MUP Mulga Park Airport Petermann, Northern Territory, NT
YMGG Mulgathing Airport Tarcoola, South Australia, SA
YMUK MVK Mulka Airport Mulka, SA
YMEY Mullaley Airport , NSW
YMWA MXU Mullewa Airport Mullewa, WA
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