Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YKAL UBU Kalumburu Airport Kalumburu, WA
KDS Kamaran Downs Airport Kamaran Downs, QLD
YKBL KDB Kambalda Airport Kambalda, WA
YKML KML Kamileroi Airport Kamileroi, QLD
YKAN Kanandah Airport Rawlinna, Western Australia, WA
YKWG Kangaroo Well Airport Gairdner, South Australia, SA
YKNV Kaniva Airport Kaniva, VIC
YKNA Kanpa Gibson Desert South, Western a, WA
YKPG Kapalga Kakadu, Northern Territory, NT
YKAP Kapunda Airport Kapunda, SA
YKAR KQR Karara Airport Karara, WA
Karijini National Park Dept. of Conservation, Karijin, WA
YKWA Karlawinda Mine Airport , WA
YKMN Karmona Oontoo, Queensland, QLD
YKRE Karonie Cundeelee, Western Australia, WA
Karragarra Island Helicopter Landing Site Karragarra Island, QLD
YPKA KTA Karratha Airport Karratha, WA
YKMB KRB Karumba Airport Karumba, QLD
YKRJ Karunjie Durack, Western Australia, WA
YKNG KNI Katanning Airport Katanning, WA
YKHG Katherine Gorge Airport , NT
Katherine Hospital Helipad Katherine, NT
Katherine North Airstrip Katherine North, NT
YKAT Katoomba Airport , NSW
YKAY Kayrunnera Airport Mootwingee, New South Wales, NSW
Keelameara Airport Tilpa, NSW
YKRL Keeroongooloo Eromanga, Queensland, QLD
YKTH Keith Airport Keith, SA
YKEB Kellerberrin Airport Kellerberrin, Western Australi, WA
Kelly head airstrip Kelly Head, VIC
YKEL Kelvin Station Airport Kelvin, New South Wales, NSW
YKMP KPS Kempsey Airport Kempsey, NSW
YKPN Kempton Kempton, Tasmania, TAS
YKNC Kencherang Airport (Closed) Aurukun, QLD
YKRV Kendall River Airport Strathburn, Queensland, QLD
YKEN Kenmore Park Airport Pukatja Homeland, South Austra, SA
YKBA KYB Ken's Bore airport Ken's Bore, WA
YWIM Kenya Heliport Wieambilla, QLD
Keppel Sands Helicopter Landing Site Keppel Sands, QLD
YKER KRA Kerang Airport Kerang, VIC
Keswick Island Airstrip Keswick Island
YKEY Keytah Moree, New South Wales, NSW
YKHA Khancoban Airport Khancoban, New South Wales, NSW
YKHO Kholo Helipad Fernvale, QLD
YKIA Kiana Station Airport Calvert, Northern Territory, NT
YKDM Kidman Springs Airport , NT
YKID Kidston Airport , QLD
YKRW Kierawonga Lotus Creek, Queensland, QLD
YKCY Kilcoy Airfield Kilcoy, QLD
YKIL Kildurk Airport Baines, Northern Territory, NT
Kilkivan Helicopter Landing Site Kilkivan, QLD
YKLP Killara Park Ilfracombe, Queensland, QLD
YKLN Killarney Airport Dixie, Queensland, QLD
YKLE Killarney Airport , NT
YKCK Killiecrankie Airport Killiecrankie, Tasmania, TAS
YIMB Kimba Airport Kimba, SA
YKBS KBD Kimberley Downs Airport Kimberley Downs, WA
YKIB Kimbolton Airport Kimbolton, WA
Kin Kin Oval Helicopter Landing Site Kin Kin, QLD
YKKN Kin Kin Retreat Airstrip , WA
YKIN Kinchega Menindee, New South Wales, NSW
YKII KNS King Island Airport King I, TAS
YKJN King Junction Palmer, Queensland, QLD
YKVA King Vale Laura, Queensland, QLD
King Vol Mine Airport Rookwood, QLD
King Vol Mine Heliport Rookwood, QLD
YKRY KGY Kingaroy Airport Kingaroy, QLD
YKFC Kingfisher Camp Airport , QLD
Kingfisher Resort Heliport Fraser Island, QLD
YKGA Kingoonya Airport Kingoonya, SA
YKCA KBJ Kings Canyon Airport Petermann, NT
YKCS KCS Kings Creek Airport Petermann, NT
KCS Kings Creek Station Kings Creek Station, NT
YKSC KGC Kingscote Airport Kingscote, SA
YKIG Kingston Airport , SA
YKNT Kintore Airport Kintore, Northern Territory, NT
YKRK Kirkalocka Daggar Hills, Western Australi, WA
YKIR KBB Kirkimbie Station Airport Kirkimbie, NT
YKCH Kitchener Zanthus, Western Australia, WA
YKIC Kiwirrkurra Airstrip Gibson Desert North, Western a, WA
Koah Airport Koah, QLD
YKOA Koarlo Airport Koarlo, QLD
YKOJ Kojonup Airport Kojonup, Western Australia, WA
YKKH Kokatha Airport Kingoonya, South Australia, SA
YKOL Kolendo Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
YKPI Kondaparinga Mt Mulligan, Queensland, QLD
YKDN Kondinin Airport Kondinin, Western Australia, WA
YKDL Kondoolka Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
YKDD OOD Koodaideri Mine Airport Koodaideri Mine, WA
YKOK Kookynie Airport Kookynie, Western Australia, WA
YKLC KCI Koolan Central Airport Koolan Island, WA
YKLI Koolan Island Village Airport Kimbolton, WA
YKLA KOH Koolatah Airport Maramie, QLD
YKLB KKP Koolburra Airport Koolburra, QLD
YKBG Koolyanobbing Range Airport Koolyanobbing, Western Austral, WA
YKOG Koongarra Airport , VIC
KQB Koonibba Koonibba, SA
YKNM Koonmarra Airport Meekatharra, Western Australia, WA
YKBN Kooralbyn Airport , QLD
YBCX Kooringal Airstrip Kooringal, Queensland, QLD
Dauntless Aviation

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