Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YRWH Ravensworth Airport , NSW
YRAW Rawlinna Airport Rawlinna, Western Australia, WA
YRWA Rawlinna Station Airport Rawlinna, Western Australia, WA
YRYK Rawnsley Park Airport Blinman, South Australia, SA
YRRR Raymangirr Airport East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YRAM Raymore Homestead Airport Eromanga, Queensland, QLD
YRYP Rayner Place Heliport Yass, NSW
YRYW Raywood Airfield Raywood, VIC
YRDN Red Dome Mine Chillagoe, Queensland, QLD
YRHL Red Hill Station Airport Cane, Western Australia, WA
YRBM Redbank Mine Airport Calvert, Northern Territory, NT
YRED Redcliffe Airport Redcliffe, QLD
Redland Hospital Helicopter Landing Site Cleveland, QLD
YRDM Redmont Airport Marble Bar, Western Australia, WA
YRDY Reedys Airport Reedy, Western Australia, WA
YREN RMK Renmark Airport Renmark, SA
YXRM Renmark Hospital Heliport Renmark, SA
YRES Retreat Hs Jundah, Queensland, QLD
YRRG Rhodes Ridge Airport Newman, Western Australia, WA
ZRD Richmond AFB Richmond, Québec
YRMD RCM Richmond Airport Richmond, Qld, QLD
YRDS Richmond Downs Airfield Richmond, QLD
YRID Riddell Airport Riddell, VIC
YRSK Ringer Soak Airport Sturt Creek, Western Australia, WA
YRNW Ringwood Airport Hale, Northern Territory, NT
YRVE Riveren Airport Buchanan, Northern Territory, NT
YRLH Riversleigh Airport Riversleigh, QLD
YRIS Robbins Island Woolnorth, Tasmania, TAS
YRBE Robe Airport Robe, SA
YRBN Robertson Airstrip Carrington Falls, NSW
YRBK Robertson Barracks Heliport Holtze, NT
YROB ROH Robinhood Airport Robinhood, QLD
YRBR RRV Robinson River Airport Robinson River, Northern Terri, NT
Robinson River Airport Kimbolton, WA
YROI RBC Robinvale Airport Robinvale, VIC
YRCD Rochedale Helipad Rocklea, QLD
YBRK ROK Rockhampton Airport Rockhampton, QLD
YXRK Rockhampton Base Hospital Helipad Rockhampton, QLD
YRKD RDA Rockhampton Downs Airport Rockhampton Downs, NT
YRKS Rocklands Airport Camooweal, Queensland, QLD
YRLE Rocklea Airport Rocklea, Western Australia, WA
YROK Rocky River Airport Flinders Chase, South Australi, SA
YROE RBU Roebourne Airport Roebourne, WA
Roebuck Plains Roadhouse Airport Roebuck, WA
YRBY RKY Rokeby Airport Rokeby, QLD
YRLL Rolleston Airport , QLD
Rollo Station Airstrip Rollo Station, QLD
YRLO Rollo's Aerodrome Pallamana, SA
YROM RMA Roma Airport Roma, QLD
YRSY Romsey Airport Romsey, VIC
YRRB RPB Roper Bar Airport Roper Bar, NT
RPV Roper Valley Airport Roper Valley, NT
YRUR Rorruwuy airport Rorruwuy, NT
YRAY RSE Rose Bay Seaplane Base Sydney
YRVL Rose Vale Airport , NSW
YRSB RSB Roseberth Airport Roseberth, QLD
YRSH Rosehill Heliport Airport , NSW
RLP Rosella Plains Airport Rosella Plains, QLD
YRSV Rosevale Resort Airport Wyandra, Queensland, QLD
Rosewood Airport Baines, NT
YROV Ross River Airport Hart, Northern Territory, NT
YRST Rostella Airport Launceston, TAS
YROT Rothsay Mine Airport Rothsay, WA
YRTH Rothwell Airfield Little River, VIC
YRTI RTS Rottnest Island Airport Rottnest Island, WA
Rough Gap Airport Cundeelee
YRWF Rowland Flat Airstrip , SA
YROX Roxborough Downs Georgina, Queensland, QLD
YRXB Roxby Downs Station Airport Roxby Downs, South Australia, SA
YRYH RHL Roy Hill Station Airport Newman, Western Australia, WA
Royal Adelaide Hospital Helipad Adelaide, SA
YRBH Royal Brisbane Hospital Helipad Alpha Brisbane, QLD
YRBC Royal Brisbane Hospital Helipad Charlie Brisbane, QLD
YRHO Royal Childrens Hospital Helipad Melbourne, VIC
YXDH Royal Darwin Hospital Helipad Darwin, NT
YRMH Royal Melbourne Hospital Helipad Melbourne, VIC
YXNS Royal North Shore Hospital Helipad Sydney, NSW
YXRP Royal Perth Hospital Helipad Perth, WA
YRPA Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Helipad Sydney, NSW
YRUD Rudal River Airport Telfer, Western Australia, WA
YRUG Rugby Airport
Rundalua Station Airstrip Boatman, QLD
YRUN Running Creek Mt Alma, Queensland, QLD
YRUL Rurrangala East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YRUS Rushy Lagoon Rushy Lagoon, Tasmania, TAS
YXRU Russell Island Helicopter Landing Site Russell Island, QLD
YRTP RTP Rutland Plains Airport Yagoonya, QLD
Rutland Plains Station Airport Yagoonya, QLD
YRYL Rylstone Aerodrome Rylstone, NSW
YXRN Rylstone Hospital Helipad Rylstone, NSW
Sabina Airport Nemarluk, NT
YSII SBR Saibai Island Airport Saibai Island, QLD
YSTA Saint Arnaud Airport Saint Arnaud, VIC
YSLW Saint Lawrence Saint Lawrence, QLD
YSAI Saipem Airport , NT
YSLT Sale Airport (Closed) Sale, VIC
Salt lake Airstrip , NSW
YSMH Samuel Hill Airfield ( Danger Zone RAAF Shoal water bay) Shoal Water bay, QLD
YSFI Sandfire Airport Eighty Mile Beach, WA
YSFY Sandfly Airport Sandfly, Tasmania, TAS
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