Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YXMU Mullumbimby Hospital Helipad Mullumbimby, NSW
YMLR Muloorina Airport The Sill, South Australia, SA
YMUM Mumeka West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
Mumpumampu Airport Mumpumampu, NT
YMDB Mundabullangana Airport Mundabullangana, WA
YMWR Mundaring Weir Sawyers Valley, Western Austra, WA
YUND Mundiwa Collerina, New South Wales, NSW
YMDD Mundowdna Marree, South Australia, SA
YMBX Mundrabilla Airport Mundrabilla, WA
YMDT Mundrabilla Motel Airport Mundrabilla, Western Australia, WA
YMDA Mundubbera Airport , QLD
YXDR Munduberra Hospital Helipad Munduberra, QLD
YMGM Mungabroom Pamayu, Northern Territory, NT
YMUG MNE Mungeranie Airport Mungeranie, SA
YMGI Mungindi Airport , NSW
YLMU Mungo Lodge Airport Mungo, NSW
YMUJ Munjina Airport Mulga Downs, Western Australia, WA
YMMR Munmarlary Kakadu, Northern Territory, NT
YMSS Murchison Shire Airport Murchison, Western Australia, WA
YMNL Murgenella Airstrip Murganella, NT
YMRG Murgon Airport Murgon, QLD
YXMG Murgon Hospital Helipad Murgon, QLD
YMGO Murgoo Airport South Murchison, Western Austr, WA
YMNP Murnpeowie Airport Arkaroola Village, South Austr, SA
YMBD Murray Bridge Airport , SA
Murray Bridge Soldiers Memorial Hospital Helipad Murray Bridge, SA
YMYW Murray Downs Airport Davenport, Northern Territory, NT
YMUL Murray Field Mandurah, WA
YMAE MYI Murray Island Airport Murray Island, QLD
Murray-Sunset Airport Murray-Sunset, VIC
YMMI WUI Murrin Murrin Airport Murrin Murrin, WA
Murrurundi Hospital Heliport Murrurundi, NSW
Murtee Station Wilcannia, NSW
YMUR Murwillumbah Airport , NSW
YMGV MVU Musgrave Airport Musgrave, QLD
Muskoka Helicopter Landing Site Gunderman, NSW
YICE Musselroe Bay Private airstrip Musselroe Bay, TAS
YXUS Muswellbrook Hospital Heliport Muswellbrook, NSW
Mutawintji Historic Site airstrip Mutawintji Historic Site, NSW
YMTB UTB Muttaburra Airport Muttaburra, QLD
Myall Airstrip , NSW
YMYR MYO Myroodan Station Airport Geegully Creek, Western Austra, WA
YMYU Myrup Fly In Estate Airport Myrup, Western Australia, WA
YNAB Nabarlek Airport West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YNKR Nackeroo , NT
Nadirri Airport Thamarrurr, NT
YNGB Nagambie Airport Bailieston, Victoria, VIC
YNAL Naliyindi East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
NBR Nambour Nambour, QLD
YXNA Nambour Hospital Helipad Nambour, QLD
Nambour Railway Station Nambour, QLD
YNAA NBH Nambucca Heads Airport Nambucca Heads, NSW
Nambung Station Private Airstrip , WA
YNUD Nammuldi Mine Airstrip Nammuldi Mine, WA
YNAM Namurgadubu West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YNAN Nanango Airport Nanango, Queensland, QLD
YXNN Nanango Hospital Helipad Nanango, QLD
YNDW Nandowrie Nandowrie, Queensland, QLD
YNAU Nannup Airport Carlotta, Western Australia, WA
YNNT Nantarra Airport Nanutarra, Western Australia, WA
YNPD Napier Downs Airport King Leopold Ranges, Western a, WA
YNAP NMR Nappa Merrie Airport Nappa Merry, QLD
YNPB NPP Napperby Airport Napperby, NT
Napunyah Airport Tilpa, NSW
YNNG Nar Nar Goon Airstrip Nar Nar Goon North, Victoria, VIC
YNRC NAC Naracoorte Airport Naracoorte, SA
YNRN Narayen Narayen, QLD
YNRB Narembeen Airport , WA
YNBR NAA Narrabri Airport Narrabri, NSW
Narrabri Mine Heliport. Narrabri, NSW
YNAR NRA Narrandera Airport Narrandera, NSW
Narrandool Bush Strip Narrandool, NSW
YNRG NRG Narrogin Airport Narrogin, WA
YNRM QRM Narromine Airport Narromine, NSW
YNWT Narwietooma Airport Burt Plain, Northern Territory, NT
YNRL Naryilco Airport Cameron Corner, Queensland, QLD
YNDS Natal Downs Airport Llanarth, Queensland, QLD
YNAT Nathan River Stn Limmen, Northern Territory, NT
Natya Airport , VIC
YSNW NOA Naval Air Station Nowra - Hmas Albatross Nowra Hill, NSW
YNVR Navarra Airport Isisford, QLD
YNVE Navarre Airport Navarre, Victoria, VIC
YNBO Nebo Airstrip Nebo, QLD
Neds Corner Airport Neds Corner, VIC
YXNY Nelson Bay Heliport Nelson Bay, NSW
YNES Nelson Springs Airport Buchanan, Northern Territory, NT
YNPU Nepabunna Airport Leigh Creek, South Australia, SA
YXNE Nepean Hospital Helipad Penrith, NSW
YNNR Nerrin Nerrin Nerrin Nerrin, Victoria, VIC
YNWY Netherway Conimbia, New South Wales, NSW
YNTJ Neutral Junction Tara, Northern Territory, NT
YNCS New Crown Airport Ghan, Northern Territory, NT
YNHV New Haven Airport Lake Mackay, Northern Territor, NT
YLRS LUT New Laura Airport Laura Station, QLD
New Maitland Hospital Helipad Maitland, NSW
YNMN NMP New Moon Airport Basalt, QLD
New Norcia airstrip New Norcia, WA
New Norcia North , WA
New Pelion Hut Helipad Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair, TAS
YNQI New Quinambie Arkaroola Village, South Austr, SA
Dauntless Aviation

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