Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YKIG Kingston Airport , SA
YKNT Kintore Airport Kintore, Northern Territory, NT
YKRK Kirkalocka Daggar Hills, Western Australi, WA
YKIR KBB Kirkimbie Station Airport Kirkimbie, NT
YKCH Kitchener Zanthus, Western Australia, WA
YKIC Kiwirrkurra Airstrip Gibson Desert North, Western a, WA
Koah Airport Koah, QLD
YKOA Koarlo Airport Koarlo, QLD
YKOJ Kojonup Airport Kojonup, Western Australia, WA
YKKH Kokatha Airport Kingoonya, South Australia, SA
YKOL Kolendo Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
YKPI Kondaparinga Mt Mulligan, Queensland, QLD
YKDN Kondinin Airport Kondinin, Western Australia, WA
YKDL Kondoolka Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
YKDD OOD Koodaideri Mine Airport Koodaideri Mine, WA
YKOK Kookynie Airport Kookynie, Western Australia, WA
YKLC KCI Koolan Central Airport Koolan Island, WA
YKLI Koolan Island Village Airport Kimbolton, WA
YKLA KOH Koolatah Airport Maramie, QLD
YKLB KKP Koolburra Airport Koolburra, QLD
YKBG Koolyanobbing Range Airport Koolyanobbing, Western Austral, WA
YKOG Koongarra Airport , VIC
KQB Koonibba Koonibba, SA
YKNM Koonmarra Airport Meekatharra, Western Australia, WA
YKBN Kooralbyn Airport , QLD
YBCX Kooringal Airstrip Kooringal, Queensland, QLD
Kooringal Emergency Centre HLS Kooringal, QLD
OZKL Koralta Station Airpirt , NSW
YKTA Kotta Airport , VIC
YKOW KWM Kowanyama Airport Kowanyama, QLD
YKUB KUG Kubin Island Airport Kubin Island, QLD
Kudardup airfield Kudardup, WA
Kukerin Kukerin WA, WA
YKUT KGR Kulgera Ghan, Northern Territory, NT
YKUL KGR Kulgera Airport Ghan, NT
Kulin Airport , WA
Kulin Bush Races Strip Kulin, WA
YKNP Kununoppin Airport South Kununoppin, Western Aust, WA
YKUY Kurray Airport St George, Queensland, QLD
YXKU Kurri Hospital Helipad Kurri Kurri, NSW
YRKE Kuruc-A-Ruc South Airport Rokewood, VIC
KRD Kurundi Kurundi, NT
YKUR KRD Kurundi Airport Kurundi Station, NT
YKUW Kurweeton Airport Derrinallum, Victoria, VIC
YKYB Kyabram Airport Private Airfield In The Shire, VIC
YKBO Kybo Stn Forrest, Western Australia, WA
YKTN Kyneton Airport Kyneton, VIC
YKYN Kynuna Airport Kynuna, QLD
Kynuna Town Strip (Glenagra) Kynuna, QLD
YXKO Kyogle Hospital Helipad Kyogle, NSW
YKYW Kywong Corfield, Queensland, QLD
YLAE La Belle Downs Airstrip Rakula, Northern Territory, NT
YLGB La Grange Bay Airport Lagrange, Western Australia, WA
TGN La Trobe Regional Traralgon, VIC
YLBA Labona Airport Carmichael Coal Mine, QLD
Lachlan E Purkis Memoral Airfield Livingstone, NT
YLDB Lady Barron (Flinders Is) Airport Lady Barron, Tasmania, TAS
YLDG Lady Barron Grass Lady Barron, Tasmania, TAS
YLTT LYT Lady Elliot Island Airstrip Lady Elliot Island, QLD
YLGL Laglan Airport Laglan, Queensland, QLD
Laglan airstrip Laglan, QLD
YLAG Lagoon Bay Airport Dunalley, Tasmania, TAS
YXLA Laidley Hospital Helipad Laidley, QLD
YLBO Lake Bolac Airport , VIC
YLCG Lake Cargelligo Airport Lake Cargelligo, NSW
Lake Clifton Airstrip Lake Clifton, WA
YLEV LEL Lake Evella Airport Lake Evella, NT
YLVD Lake Everard Airport Gairdner, South Australia, SA
LEYN Lake Eyre North , SA
Lake Glen Maggie Airfield (Coongulla) Lake Glen Maggie (Coongulla), VIC
YLGC Lake Grace Airport Lake Grace, WA
LGE Lake Gregory Lake Gregory, SA
YLJY Lake Jindabyne Water Jindabyne, New South Wales, NSW
YLJN Lake Johnston , WA
YKEP Lake Keepit Airport , NSW
YLKG Lake King Airport , WA
YLLR Lake Leagur Airport , VIC
Lake MacKay Airstrip Lake MacKay, NT
YLMQ BEO Lake Macquarie Airport City of Lake Macquarie, NSW
YMOD lake Modewarre Private airstrip Lake modeWarre, VIC
lake Modewarre Private airstrip no.2 Lake ModeWarre, VIC
YLKN LNH Lake Nash Airport Alpurrurulam, NT
Lake Omeo Dry Lake Ultralightport , VIC
YLVY Lake Varley Airport Holt Rock, Western Australia, WA
YLWY Lake Way Airport Wiluna, Western Australia, WA
Lake Wells Station Airport Lake Wells, WA
YLFD LFP Lakefield Airport Lakefield, QLD
YLND LKD Lakeland Airport Lakeland Downs, QLD
YLET Lakes Entrance Airport , VIC
YLKE Lakes Entrance Airport , VIC
YLAK Lakeside Airpark Lakeside, QLD
YLAM Lambina Airport Marla, South Australia, SA
YLMB Lambrook Airport Mullaley, New South Wales, NSW
YLAO Lameroo Airport Lameroo, South Australia, SA
YLNR Landor Races Airport East Lyons River, Western Aust, WA
YLDO Landor Station Airport Gascoyne River, Western Austra, WA
YLAB Landsborough Airport Landsborough, QLD
YLAN Langawirra Airport Mootwingee, New South Wales, NSW
YPLP Langley Park Airstrip Perth, WA
YLLD Langlo Downs Airport , QLD
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